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Elite (ERP System)


The Internet of things (IoT) ERP System

ElitERP is all-on-one, configurable to support all kinds of organization's needs ranging from its GUI User interface (look and feel) to business process flow (Tensor flow) including advance technology loT, mobile control devices, barcode tracking and provide the full business analysis (BI) for top management's decision in real-time.

Manufacturing MFG Inventory:

Inventory that supports manufacturing environments to handle F/G (Finished-Goods), WIP (work in process), ASSY, Sub-Assy, Parts, Raw Materials, Tooling, Accessories etc.

  • Accurate costing (Moving Average, FIFO, LIFO, Lot base, etc) from process to process, station to station and departmental level and all in real-time

  • Support multi-UOM and Package conversion

  • Support multi-warehouse, location, zone, and picklist Accurate inventory count and recount to prevent error and wrong usage.

  • Ability to roll back (void) accidental inventory operations by administration with logs that do not break application logic.

  • View manufacturing status in real-time.

  • Keep drawing specs and diagram related to inventory parts or quick access to related documents for production

  • Inventory reports come with report-designer that can be modified to support customized operation need


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